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Sunday, October 24, 2021

Making Money & Thinking 'Bout You

 Over a month in New York City. Feels more and more like normal as the days roll on.

I am pretty set in my class schedule. I try to keep up being frugal with spending for groceries and other things. 

Good news is now I have a part time source of income! I have a job to go to every Saturday night now, helping out a young family in SoHo. I'm really glad all my childcare skills and certifications can still be of some use.

Since it is only one day week currently, I am still looking for more work with a flexible schedule to fit my class curriculum. New York is not a cheap place to live, that's for sure.

I won't deny, I've definitely made some sizable purchases lately that will be put to use soon. 

I've even been eying other pretty expensive stuff that I know is WAY out of my price range right now. I know I will need to wait a while to even think of buying more things right now, but you never know how long they'll last before they're gone!

That's definitely the hardest thing about managing your money wisely. 

Also walking through SoHo these past two weekends on the way to work...passing by all the big designer brand stores and artisan restaurants. Really doesn't feel any better seeing all that knowing I'm nowhere near close being able to buy any of their stuff.


Sure I may feel a twinge envious seeing people with all their shopping bags and eating in the fanciest looking places around the city. But I still only just got here! I've got more than enough time to reach those highpoints once I graduate in May.

I'll be able to work full time, go to auditions and open mics to try and book my next role. I could rent a room or sublet a whole apartment within budget and maintain a stable routine schedule for as long as need be. 

I may still be new around here, but that won't stop me from looking ahead to a bigger, brighter future.

Even amidst all the hustle and bustle and excitement of my New York life, I still think about home in California. I still call my family whenever I feel lonely and want to hear their voices, but there have been moments thinking of those who I can't talk to anymore.

Like my grandmother; my Nana. Today would've been her 86th birthday. She's been gone for four years now, which feels impossible.

She was one of my biggest cheerleaders from the very beginning of my desire to perform. She always did her best to come to our school plays, award ceremonies, any big events her grandchildren were part of. Even when she couldn't she still sent her love our way either by a message through my aunts or being the savviest Facebook grandparent I will ever know!

My nana is always with me; I know she's looked out for me and given her hand in guiding me towards the big decisions I have been making in life since she left us. She loved butterflies, so whenever I have seen one fly within eyesight I feel that it's her letting me know she's still here no matter what.

I'll always have a piece of her with me, in more ways than one.

We share the same birthday month, and therefore the same birthstone. I vaguely recall when I was younger visiting my Nana and finding a beautiful gold ring with the most shimmery opal stone I have ever seen. Whenever I visited after I was always looking around towards the shelf where the ring stood delicately stored in a small box.

Years later, when I was around seventeen or eighteen years old, my Nana gave me the ring in that little box. She said she always knew how I admired it, and wanted me to eventually have it for my own.

Nowadays I wear it around my neck on a chain, but sometimes I slip it on my finger and watch the opal's flecks glisten against the slightest light.

Almost instantly relaxes me, centers my thoughts. Like my Nana is right over my shoulder, comforting me.

This Saturday I will turn twenty five. I know she'll be there with me, the love and spirit of her family to keep with me even when far away.

I will never let that change.

I love you, Nana. 

Your Shannie girl

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